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How to create a Genmoji on iOS 18


In today’s fast-paced world, creating an engaging and visually appealing app is crucial for its success. One of the ways to make your app stand out is by incorporating Genmoji, a feature that allows users to create custom emojis using their own facial expressions. As iOS 18 continues to gain popularity among developers, many are eager to learn how to incorporate Genmoji into their apps. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a Genmoji on iOS 18.

Chapter 1: Understanding Genmoji and its Benefits

Before diving into the technical aspects of creating a Genmoji, it’s important to understand what Genmoji is and why it’s worth incorporating into your app.

Genmoji is a feature on iOS devices that allows users to create custom emojis using their own facial expressions. By creating a unique set of emojis for your app, you can make it more engaging and personalized to your target audience. This can lead to increased user engagement and loyalty, as well as differentiation from competitors.

Additionally, Genmoji can be used to enhance the overall user experience by allowing users to express themselves in a more personalized and creative way. This can also lead to increased social sharing and word-of-mouth advertising for your app.

Chapter 2: Preparing Your App for Genmoji Integration

Before you begin creating a Genmoji, it’s important to ensure that your app is ready for integration. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Update your app to the latest version of iOS (iOS 18) or higher.
  2. Ensure that your app complies with Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines and App Store Review Guidelines regarding custom UI elements.
  3. Create a custom UI element for the Genmoji feature, such as a button or icon.
  4. Add the necessary code to your app’s codebase to handle the creation and display of custom emojis using Genmoji.

Chapter 3: Creating the Custom Emoji Using Genmoji

Now that your app is ready for Genmoji integration, let’s take a look at how to create a custom emoji using Genmoji.

1. Open Xcode and navigate to your project settings.

2. Click on the “Capabilities” tab and scroll down to find the “Face ID & Touch ID” section.

    Chapter 3: Creating the Custom Emoji Using Genmoji

  1. Enable “Face ID & Touch ID” for your app.

4. In your app’s codebase, import the following framework:


5. Create a new UIImage using the following code:

UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(100, 100, UIScreen.main.bounds.width / CGFloat(UIScreen.main.bounds.height))

6. Set the image’s color space to CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB() to ensure that it is compatible with Genmoji.

7. Create a CIImage object using the following code:

<ciImage  CIImage(cgImage: image.cgImage!)>

8. Create a new CIFaceTracker object using the following code:

<let faceTracker  try! VNCoreMLFaceTracker(for: faceDetectorModel)>

9. Create a new CIFaceAlignmentRequest using the following code:

let faceAlignmentRequest  try! VNAlignFaceImageRequest(for: faceTracker, completionHandler: { request, error in

10. Add the faceAlignmentRequest to your app’s view hierarchy using the following code:

<try! VNConvertImageRequest(from: image, options: [:])>

11. Once the user has created a custom emoji, you can retrieve it using the following code:

<guard let image  self.image else { return }>

Chapter 4: Testing and Debugging Your Genmoji Feature

Now that you’ve created a custom emoji using Genmoji, it’s important to test and debug your feature to ensure that it works as expected. Here are some tips:

  1. Test your app on multiple devices and operating systems to ensure compatibility.
  2. Test your app with different facial expressions to ensure that the custom emojis are created accurately.
  3. Use Xcode’s built-in debugging tools, such as breakpoints and console logs, to identify and fix any issues with your code.
  4. Conduct user testing to gather feedback on your Genmoji feature and make improvements as needed.

Chapter 5: Best Practices for Using Genmoji in Your App

Finally, here are some best practices to keep in mind when using Genmoji in your app:

  1. Keep your custom emojis simple and easy to understand to ensure that users can quickly recognize them.
  2. Use Genmoji sparingly to avoid overwhelming users with too many options.
  3. Ensure that your custom emojis are compatible with different platforms and operating systems.
  4. Consider using Genmoji in conjunction with other features, such as stickers or GIFs, to enhance the user experience.


Genmoji is a powerful tool that allows you to create custom emojis based on the user’s facial expressions. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily integrate Genmoji into your app and provide a unique and engaging user experience. Just remember to test and debug your feature thoroughly and follow best practices to ensure its success.