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What does pressing the Tab key do when typing a command in iOS

When typing commands on an iOS device, there is often a tab key that appears. This key allows you to navigate between different options and suggestions as you type.

1. How the Tab Key Works

Pressing the tab key on an iOS device will move the cursor one position to the right. For example, if you are typing a command and you press the tab key, the cursor will move from one option to another.

2. Example Uses of the Tab Key

There are many different ways that the tab key can be used in iOS. Here are a few examples:

  • When typing a command in Safari, pressing the tab key will move you from one option to another. For example, if you are searching for something and you press the tab key, the cursor will move from one search result to the next.

  • When typing a command in a text editor, pressing the tab key will move you from one word to the next. This can be useful for quickly correcting spelling errors or adding punctuation.

  • When typing a command in an app’s settings menu, pressing the tab key will move you from one option to another. This can save time if you have to navigate through several different settings options.

2. Example Uses of the Tab Key

3. Tips and Tricks for Using the Tab Key

Here are a few tips and tricks for using the tab key in iOS:

  1. Pressing the tab key multiple times will move the cursor several positions at once. For example, if you press the tab key three times, the cursor will move from one option to another three times.

  2. If you need to go back to the previous option, you can press the tab key while holding down the shift key. This will move the cursor back one position.

  3. Some apps may have customizable options for the tab key. For example, in some text editors, you may be able to customize how much the cursor moves when you press the tab key.

4. Comparison with Other Navigation Tools

There are several different ways to navigate in iOS, including using your finger or stylus to tap on an option, using the up and down arrow keys, or using the back button. However, none of these options are as quick and efficient as pressing the tab key. By using the tab key, you can quickly move between options without having to use your mouse or touch screen to navigate.


Q: How do I activate the tab key in iOS?

A: The tab key is automatically activated when you start typing a command in iOS. If you need to activate it manually, you can press and hold down the shift key.

Q: Can I customize how the tab key works in iOS?

A: Yes, some apps may allow you to customize how the tab key works. For example, in some text editors, you may be able to adjust how much the cursor moves when you press the tab key.


Pressing the tab key is a quick and efficient way to navigate in iOS. It can save time if you need to move between options quickly, and it can be especially useful for typing commands or using apps that require customizable navigation options. By understanding how the tab key works and how to use it effectively, you can become a more proficient iOS user.